Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Newly Married and Getting into the Swing of Life

As a virgin to the blogging world, let me say that these things are much easier to start up than I could have imagined. I'm glad, because complicated computer tasks can sometimes overwhelm me.
For now, blog posts will be mildly boring, and I apologize. My husband and I were just married on January 8, and flew back from our honeymoon in Palm Springs this past Saturday.
I know some may think "a wedding in January? are you insane??" The answer to that question is yes, very. But not because we had a winter wedding. I will post up a few pictures of our wedding to show how beautiful it really was. Yes, it was chilly taking pictures, but no one was sweaty and gross (as one would be in so much dress in July or August). We used black and white, with accents of red, and most of the flowers were red and white roses. It was absolutely gorgeous. AND on a small budget. If there is anyone struggling to plan a wedding with little funds, please feel free to ask me any questions. I found some great money saving tips for almost every part of the wedding.
The honeymoon was fabulous. Warm, sunny, and dry. Palm Springs is an oasis in the desert, which has vastly different landscape from what this Jersey girl is used to. Of course no adventure of ours would be complete without some mild injury. I've been sporting a second degree burn on my leg which I received from the muffler of the moped we rented. We were hoping to avoid the large cost involved with renting a car while under 25 years of age, and we did. The moped was a great alternative. The passenger should NEVER step off the side with the muffler while the moped is running. Those are warm.
After cleaning and bandaging the wound; I've been going about my daily life, putting away wedding gifts and setting up our tiny but cozy apartment. Might I say, one of the neatest gifts we've gotten was a Keurig coffee machine. It makes single cups of coffee or hot chocolate, and they have several brands you can purchase, as well as empty cups that you can fill with your own grinds. This was ideal for us, as I am a caffeine hound, and my husband drinks the occasional hot chocolate but rarely ever coffee.
Finally, for today, I'm going to leave one piece of great advice for new brides that I heard from a friend: When wrapping the top of your wedding cake (to save for your first anniversary) refrigerate it first, to harden the frosting, the wrap the cake in several layers of plastic wrap, then either place it back in its box or wrap it in wax paper, then tin foil. Finally, place a ribbon or some other decoration (for us, the little bells we asked our guests to ring to get us to kiss) on the wrapped cake. This way you will know what it is and won't accidentally open it thinking it is leftover lasagna or something like that. Opening your cake top before one year will result in gross cake on your first anniversary. And nobody likes gross cake.