Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is it just me, or are there tons of people in the world that like to proclaim that they are something they clearly are not? Or perhaps these people claim to have a distaste for and don't do something they are actually doing on a regular basis.
Everyone can think of someone in their life that has this chronic position. There is that seemingly friendly person that frowns upon gossip, but yet talks about everyone they know behind their back. They suck you in, and by the time you become their friend, you find yourself wondering what they say about you to others.
Then there is the very organized, type-A person who says how they don't like to micromanage things and like to delegate tasks and take life as it comes. You inevitable will discover that this person needs to know every detail of everything that goes on in their vicinity otherwise they feel they have lost control.
Then there is the person who claims to never cry in public and says they are ashamed to express how they truly feel to anyone. You will find them pouring their heart out to anyone willing to listen.
Why do people constantly do this? Is it that we are afraid people won't like what we really are? Or do we actually detest certain aspects of our own person? Maybe these are things we don't see in ourselves but hate in other people. This, to me, seems the most likely of the cases. We deny the fact that we have negative traits to the point that we don't even notice we have them anymore.
Case in Point: I am that type A, super-organized, super-in-control person. I often feel I have to know exactly what is going on in my home, at work, and in my life. I would get upset when I didn't know what to expect. I felt I lost control. It took a loving husband to point this out to me. I cannot be everywhere at once and cannot do everything at once (apparently).
I say this only to point out a simple fact: recognizing the problem is the first step to recovery. Since having been exposed to this weakness of mine, I am able to catch myself before I get to angry over such issues. If I begin to feel that things are out of control and I can't fix them, I can take a deep breath and give them up to whom they belong. :)