Married life can be busy, especially when your in-laws live down the street from you.
To give you a recap of the last several weeks that you all missed out on:
Beardface and I made a trip up to NJ for my sister's wedding reception. It was a beautiful party, she looked beautiful, and her husband actually wore a tie (a grand feat for a man with his casual style of dress). This particular trip was not without snide comments from my mother, of course, but I was lucky. My mom's sister came up from Florida for the occasion, and as able to "tame" my mother, so to speak.
I have decided to register for a 10K nearby in June. I've already started training for it by running 3 miles every morning, plus another 3+ in the afternoon and strength training twice a week. I've changed my eating habits a bit and hope to lose some weight because of all this. It is MUCH easier to run fast when you are lighter. Plus it kills two birds with one stone on my goals list.
Finally, I'll be updating this daily. I intend to make it a regular part of my routine so I don't forget to do it. Check back for amusing updates!