BabyGirl is still a wee one, and school is not for a few years. Still, I can't help but think about how and what I'd like her to learn.
I, myself, am a product of 12 years of public school and four years of a private college. I loved school as a girl, but I was constantly bored. I could read before kindergarten, but our school district didn't teach reading until the first grade! I was put in an advanced program in elementary school and remained in advanced classes throughout my public school years. I made lots of friends; some were in my classes (the nerds), some were in the band (the geeks), and some were just fellow wallflowers in our P.E. ultimate frisbee games. I know having gone to public school has made me the person I am today.
Beardface, on the other hand, was home-schooled for a fundamental portion of his education (1st through 6th grades). He had the ability to take as much or as little time as necessary with material. He had one-on-one attention from his mom (which he shared with his sister). He made friends with kids in his neighborhood and his church. I know having been home-schooled has made him the person he is today.
I don't want to insinuate that either one of us was raised better than the other or that either one is a better person due to our education.
So this is up for debate in our house. I have my doubts that public school is not what it was when I was going to school. I grew up in a state that was in the top ten in public education in the country, but the state we are currently in is lucky if it makes the top 25. I love the ability to tailor education to each child and to be creative with what I teach. I am worried, though, about the social aspects of home-schooling. I don't want to raise socially inept children. We are very active in our church, and I know there will be plenty of other kids for our children to play with. I just worry it may not be enough.
Beardface and I agreed that one of us would always stay home with our kids because we don't want anyone else to raise our children. I've heard that kids change so much once they start school because of all the external influences (teachers, other kids, etc.). I don't want to be one of those crazy parents that shelters their kids from the world, but do I want them to be raised by the rest of the world? I'm not sure yet. Like I said; this is still up for debate.