So many people remember the scene in the movie The Exorcist when the young girl, while possessed, spews pea soup all over a couple of priests and her mother. Her head is spinning while green mush is shooting from her mouth, and it is quite possibly one of the most disturbing scenes in movie history.
I, on the other hand, have a different disturbing reference for pea soup. When I was younger, my father would sometimes make pea soup for dinner. And not just pea soup; ham and pea soup. Now, my father is very old world Italian, so putting some chunks of cooked ham into his soup wasn't enough. He had to purchase some shank of pig with the bone in it and boil it with his pea soup. Imagine for me, please, a green, mushy liquid with a pig's leg bone floating in it. Gross, right? Yea, I never touched the stuff.
Well, unbeknown to me, Beardface actually likes pea soup. Strange, I thought, for a man who isn't so big on veggies, but I figured I'd give it a shot.
I bought some dried split peas and followed a good old AB recipe (AB is my affectionate term for the Food Network chef Alton Brown). Honestly, it turned out delicous. Albeit gross to look at in the bowl, this soup was pretty darn tasty! It had a little bit of kick to it with curry powder and things.
My life, now has been changed. Pea soup is a friend in my kitchen, and in my belly. :-)