It's amazing how simple things can really change your life. Take, for instance, your breakfast cereal. If you are accustomed to eating a bowl of Lucky Charms every morning, then suddenly switch to Raisin Bran, your body will have some adjusting to do. The lack of sugar may give you headaches at first, but the increase in fiber content will have you intestines thanking you in no time (quite literally, sometimes).
Well I've recently found that changing my sleeping schedule has dramatically changed my productivity levels. I was once accustomed to working an 8-5 job, coming home, going for a run, showering, eating, then hitting the couch. I now work a 7:30-4 job (who needs an hour for lunch anyway?), and find time run, shower, do dishes, clean up around the house, read, and even stop by my husband's job to say hello and get some face time in before I hit the hay.
Now don't get me wrong, getting up at 5:30 in the morning can be quite daunting. The first few days I wasn't sure I'd be able to function. But giving myself an hour and a half to gain consciousness and normal bodily function helped me to be able to leave at 7am to get the work (not a long commute, just a HUGE parking lot and a few entrance procedures). I've found that to my surprise, and much to my husband's disgruntlement, I am a morning person. For now, this does not bode well for us; he works the second shift at a college across town, and he typically gets home around 12:30 or 1am to find me fast asleep in bed. He'll wake me for a few minutes to say goodnight, and usually I am neither coherent, nor very responsive. In the mornings when I'm chipper, I find him grunting and refusing to open his eyes when he reaches over to kiss me "Good Morning".
I have never heard good things about this idea of husband and wife having opposing schedules, but surprisingly, it works for us. Since my husband does not work Wednesday or Friday nights, nor at all on the weekends, we get two nights a week and a full weekend to spend time together. By the time Wednesday rolls around, we crave each other. We want so badly to lay in each others' arms and rub noses like crazy, lovey Eskimos. THIS, my friends, is most definitely the benefit to having a different schedule as your spouse.
You both find yourselves wanting sex more, and when you do find time for it, you savor it. Although, this could be because we've only been married a month. But hey, it's working.