So, I'd been dreading this day for weeks. Perhaps months. I knew it was coming, and I would be powerless to stop it. There was nothing in my power that would prevent this event.
I am training for work. In Boston. Over 13 hours drive from my husband. Two flights, in fact, from him.
Now usually, I'm not that emotional. At least not outwardly. Beardface has his moments, I will admit. He tends to be a bit weepier than I. But last night it seemed we were both weepy. There was a little bit of tension in our little one bedroom apartment. Even Leonard and Sheldon were swimming cautiously.
Let me pause for a moment to say that, yes, my husband and I have named our two betta fish after our beloved characters on the Big Bang Theory. This show was truly what brought us to realize we like each other. On our first date (and I use the word "date" loosely to mean hang out in my college dorm to play guitar hero and watch TV), Beardface pulled out Big Bang Theory, saying I would probably like it because I studied physics. For those of you who do not know, the show is based on two physicists (and their two friends, an Indian physicist and a Jewish engineer) living in LA and their nerdy adventures. They'll spout physics formulas some shows, and show reverence to the great Dr. Spoc on others. I, am a physics nerd. Beardface, a sci fi geek. This show is what our children will be like. ::shivers::
Anyway. There was a little bit of tension in the apartment. Beardface, who had been suffering from a headache, excused himself to bed early. I couldn't help but follow him, seeing his sad face as he skulked into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
Now, we have an interesting way of dealing with our differences. Neither of us is all that great at communication. When there is a miscommunication or confusion between the two of us, usually I get silent and slightly bitter, Beardface gets slightly timid. Then, I confront him with the issue. He explains to me his silent thoughts that he never told me, and I explain the millions of crazy steps that my brain goes through. Then we end up kissing and, well, making up.
Except last night, I ended up in tears with Beardface spooning me. It was wonderful. And I'll miss it.
Tonight is the first night I have to spend alone. Wish me luck.