(Please excuse the military time. I'm so used to it that I think in it nowadays.)
Yesterday felt great, honestly. I got up, had time to prepare dinner and put it into two containers, one for me to take to work, and one to leave in the fridge for Beardface. I felt very accomplished, and I still managed to get to work on-time, and while I was still alert. My shift itself wasn't terrible, either. Since my job involves a lot of walking around, it's hard to get very sleepy. I had intended to hop right into bed when I got home, but my husband, the sweet man he is, had lit all the candles in the house and had run a hot shower for me, with some company, of course ;) Clearly getting to bed was the furthest thing from my mind when I saw that.
This morning, I had high hopes of waking up at normal time (0450) and going for a run before Beardface was showered and ready for breakfast. Of course this did not happen. I smacked my phone at 0450 and just lied in bed until my husband's alarm went off. We got up together, but I was still a bit of a zombie. I had to pack him lunch and make breakfast for us. By the time he left, I may have been fairly responsive, but I'm not sure.
I did run my 3 miles this morning, but not until about 0700. It was strange to run in daylight, but I welcomed the sun on my face. I was a little slow-going at first, considering this was my first run back since my 10K. Tomorrow I've got a 2 mile run scheduled, and I'm hoping to try to get that done before breakfast. I've got my fingers crossed.