I know there have to be more people out there get antsy when they're tired. Well, I'd only been in work about 3 hours before I felt like I couldn't pay attention to anything. I don't want to make the outrageous claim that I have ADD or that I need some kind of medication for this. No. I need some regular sleep hours for this.
I didn't anticipate how difficult it would be to go to sleep as soon as I get home from work and to still wake up at the same time as if I was working first shift. Seriously, that's nearly impossible. I'm just very thankful that today is the last day I have to work this crazy shift (for now). (Fun Fact: When you work for the U.S. government you get all sorts of silly benefits you didn't know were available, like an alternate work schedule. I work four 9's and a 4. Jealous?)
Anyway, last night Beard and I got into a little spat over cell phone plans. We are both really looking forward to being on the same cellphone provider, but we have slightly different ideas of what is necessary as far as phone usage. I have a very conservative view of our money (don't spend it all if you don't have to), whereas as my husband can sometimes have a more liberal view of it (if we have it, why not spend it?). You can see where the problem starts.
The argument got a little heated, since we were both absolutely beat, and of course we didn't get to sleep until way after we both had hoped.
Which left me this morning with 3 miles to run, strength training to do, 2 dinners and one lunch to make, and a box to pack.
Dinners, check.
Lunch, check.
Exercise, check.
That box, oh boy I'll get that sucker after work.