Have you ever looked back at a season in your life and felt like it was not real? Maybe you felt like you couldn't really remember what happened; or what happened in that season didn't seem like it was happening to you, but instead you were watching it in a movie. That is EXACTLY how I felt when I re-discovered my own blog and read my last few entries.
It has been a while, of course. Over a year. And a lot has happened since then. Beardface and I have moved twice since then. In fact, the most recent move was into the first home we've ever bought.
Not too long after moving into our home, we welcomed a new member to our family.
Below you will find a picture of Miss Madeline. She is the newest member of the Beardface family. Her hobbies include sleeping, wiggling, expelling gas, and trying to nurse on anything even loosely shaped like a nipple.
I'll save you all the dramatic re-enactment of her birth, mostly because I don't remember much of it. It's not that I was drugged up for most of the labor, nor had I gotten any pain medication early on. It is true what they say about mothers and their labors: they forget the pain. I recall my labor more like a movie I watched that day. A 30 hour movie. My poor husband remembers every detail. I fear we will not have anymore children if it's up to him.
I'm sure you may be wondering "after a one year hiatus from blogging, why now are you returning?". There are many reasons for this. One is that I am still on maternity leave, and although I am loving not having to go to work, it is difficult to find things to occupy my time when the little girlie is napping. Another reason is that Beardface and I have hooked up internet again, so I am able to post things up. Finally, I've actually missed blogging. I've found that when I'm blogging I'm better able to organize my thoughts and therefore organize my life. The past few months I've found it difficult to keep up with life in general. Part of that may be because we have just been more busy these last few months. It seems like business trips, birthdays, holidays, and other family obligations come right on top of each other, leaving us little time together and me little time alone.
So I'm returning to blogging in an effort to become more organized and to be able to put down in words my thoughts, ideas, and plans.
Stay tuned, folks. This could get ugly.