It's amazing how when you have a baby in the house even the simplest acts of human existence become little miracles. When BabyGirl was in the hospital she had a small bout with jaundice (many babies do), so Beardface and I were excited every time we changed a poopy diaper. (Jaundice is an excess of bilirubins, and they are removed from the blood by being processed through the liver and excreted mostly in bowel movements). When we got home, I was glad to see that our baby could nurse correctly and very often; that meant the pain of nursing would go away quicker and she'd gain weight.
Well, BabyGirl is now five weeks old, and although we've seen our fair share of gassy "smiles", Beardface and I were pumped to see the real thing. That first baby smile when our daughter finally recognizes who we are. And I think I really got a few!This one I got after yesterday morning's nap. She had been in quite the milk coma after eating, so I made swaddled her (made her into a baby burrito) and laid her down for a while. When she woke up she noticed I was still around and gave me this giant grin. (Side note: Although my little daughter has more hair than most newborns, I'm still intent on putting a bow on her little head to let everyone know she's a girl!)
And this little gem I caught in Panera (it's amazing how much time they'll let you use their internet for the measly price of a cup of coffee!). I had to tickle her a bit to coax this smile out, but it's real nonetheless.
I know there are other milestones of basic human existence that this little baby is going to go through (grasping things, first steps, first words, first real food), but I think this one has to be my favorite. It lets me and Beardface know that over these last five weeks, our little girl has grown to trust us and recognize us. She knows that Mommy and Daddy and something to smile at.
What about everyone else? What are your favorite milestones in the first few years of life? You mothers of older children, does it just keep getting more and more exciting? Because, honestly, I can see God amazing us with this little girl more and more everyday.