You know what I'm talking about. It's a good, cleansing, depressing-but-yet-uplifting cry. Everyone needs one from time to time, as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't know I needed one today. To be honest, I haven't felt like I needed a cry in quite some time; definitely not since having the BabyGirl. But that cry crept up on me.
It started because I was finally getting around to reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. It is a heart-wrenching, emotional train wreck of a story about a sister who was conceived specifically to be a donor to her very ill older sister; I think they made it into a movie a few years ago. It is truly an excellent book. The ending, though, (which, don't worry, I won't ruin for those who haven't read it or watched the movie) is probably the saddest thing that could have concluded the story. I was definitely not expecting what happened.
I found myself sobbing while reading the last 20 pages or so of this book. Normally, books don't make me legitimately cry; it simply doesn't conjure up as much emotion as watching scenes in a film. But this particular book (and, consequently, the end of Harry Potter 6) made me weep like a schoolgirl. I was laying down reading with the BabyGirl asleep on my chest with tears streaming down my face. Boy am I glad she's not old enough to understand what a head-case her mother can be at times.
I recovered quickly enough from the cry; the baby was hungry, and I can't help but be happy while I'm nursing her (now that it doesn't hurt any more!). A sad book, though, is like a scary movie: I have to consume something funny right afterwards. Any suggestions? What is a good light-hearted, funny book?