Monday, March 15, 2010

Beans and Domesticity

I am about to admit a very dark and frightening secret from my past. Now all of you hold on to your seats, cover your children's ears, and prepare yourselves.
A long, long time ago in a state far, far away...
I was a vegetarian.
Yes, I was a tofu-loving, salad-munching, tree-hugging vegetarian. I will also be vulnerable enough to say that I do still enjoy tofu, I love salads, and I've been known to hug trees.
Now, as a vegetarian, I became a connoisseur of protein sources alternative to meat products. Beans were definitely my favorite. I love black beans, white beans, lima beans, refried beans, kidney beans. ALL OF THEM. I will carefully select my bean choice in foods to make the texture and taste perfect.
Why do I go into this detail you ask?
Yesterday, the hubby and I were out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. I was ordering my burrito and blindly requested black beans. Beardface gave me a concerned look. "Why not pinto beans, Sweetie?" I thought for a moment. I'd never considered the idea. To me, Mexican food always means black beans. I mean practically every good southwestern or Mexican food chain or original restaurant serves the most beautiful salad you've ever seen, complete with sour cream, cheese, peppers, jalapenos, chicken, and black beans. Glorious black beans.
"I don't like black beans; they're crunchy. Wouldn't they taste weird in your burrito?" Beardface inquired. "No, not really. They have texture," I answered him in my best retort. "But the pinto beans would be softer. They're squishier."
And there you have it, folks. My husband's basis for all the foods he eats: texture.
But the crazy little bearded man is right. I feel the softer "squishier" pinto beans would offer my burrito a texture more similar to that of my favorite fast food burrito, Taco Bell.
I have learned this: sometimes when you look at things in too much detail, you're missing the simpler pleasures in life.

As for my goals:
Ran/exercised today.
Didn't bite nails.
Scripture to be read before bed.
Book in progress.
Herb garden started. :-)
Kissed husband. :-D