Thursday, March 11, 2010

So we had one of those talks last night.
By we, I am referring to Beardface and I.
And by one of those talks, I mean a conversation in which you both tell the other how you've really been feeling.
My being on TDY (which is official government jargon for Tour of DutY, or just travel) has really had a strong effect on the two of us. We don't have children yet, neither do we have any real pets. Now for those of you paying attention you may think "Hey! You've got Leonard and Sheldon. What gives?!" I hardly consider two betta fish real pets. We cannot snuggle with them, nor do we have to somehow remove their waste products on a regular basis. Therefore, they are "sort of" pets.
Back to my point, though. Without pets or children, my husband and I have really come to rely on each other for company, for support, for love, etc. This is what a marriage should be; I understand that. The unfortunate part is that the both of us rely a lot on our physical connection. I am not simply talking about our sexual connection, though that is a lovely part of it ;) I am speaking more about the fact that we just feel safer and more at ease when our other half is around.
To give you a better idea of what I'm talking about, I'll give you an example. I've been staying at a hotel in the Boston area for nearly three weeks now, and I have not slept more than five hours a night any night I've been here, except for the weekend that Beardface came to visit. Is that a coincidence? I doubt it. I have grown accustomed to having my feet rest underneath his legs and my head on his chest with his arm around me. This is how I can fall asleep. Try as I might to recreate this position with the plethora of pillows given to me by the hotel, I still found myself waking up every few hours.
But tonight is my last night alone in the hotel.
Tonight is Beardface's last night alone in our bed.
There is only one run, one shower, one dinner, one breakfast, and two flights between me and my husband.
Goals Accomplished Today: successfully did not curse
successfully did not bite nails
read a news article
about to run