Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Magic of Internet

As a member of the millenial generation (a useless term I learned today that is used to describe a group of people born within 20 years of each other), I am supposed to be attached to my technological devices and the internet. Am I? Probably. Do I think it is necessarily a bad thing? Not so much.
My small dilemma with traveling to see my family in New Jersey was resolved with the use of the internet. After several hours of researching flight and train ticket prices and times, using countless minutes of precious agency time while I should've been watching training videos, an idea hit me: I could drive to New Jersey. I've had enough encounters with rental car companies to know that whatever prices they advertise on their websites are very very low estimates of the actual cost of renting a vehicle. BUT with everything figured into the equation, including the under 25 fee, renting a car for the few days turned out to be less expensive than flying or taking a train. Plus, it is infinitely more fun.
So needless to say, with information at my fingertips, I was able to make a prudent decision.
Later in the evening, Beardface and I google-chatted with each other, and he was about to make dinner. The poor soul is still not yet confident in his pasta-making skills (a few more years of marriage to this Italian girl will cure that, hopefully), so I was able to instruct him on how to make epic macaroni and cheese. Via webcam.
Yes folks, my husband happily donned my apron and took instruction from me via webcam to whip up his supper.
As a side note: Ladies, if you have not seen your husband, boyfriend, fiance, etc in an apron, suggest he wear one sometime. It is truly amusing, most especially if he is particularly proud of his masculinity, as Beardface so often is. I would never, though, share pictures of this phenomena. I do want to still sleep in my own bed and receive flowers and things. Angering the Beardface would not be conducive to this.

Also, please note: Today is hump day. In oh so many respects. The middle of the week, and the middle of my training session in Boston. 8 days til I go home.