Thursday, September 1, 2011

Menu Planning and Mel Brooks

It has been a very long week so far, and there is only one day left, thankfully. Beardface and I are relaxing and watching Men in Tights (a classic favorite around here). Since becoming pregnant and giving birth I haven't really done much in the way of meal planning, and I sort of miss it. I figured I'd give it a try this week, so here goes:

Friday: Pizza with pepperoni, red peppers, and maybe mushrooms

Saturday: Grilled pork chops, grilled potato and pepper salad, and fruit salad

Sunday: (cook out with friends)

Monday: leftovers

Tuesday: Vegetarian chili with cornbread

Wednesday: Omelets with pepperoni, cheese, veggies, and whatever else we find in the fridge.

Thursday: leftovers

Our breakfasts are always basically the same: we have cereal or eggs and toast or oatmeal. For lunches, I'll usually have salads while Beardface likes sandwiches or leftovers. I'll let you all know how well we stuck to it next week!