Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Runner's Personal Safety

I love to run. Truly I do. Many people do not love to run but do so anyway because they think it will make them skinny and sexy. I am not skinny, but I still love to run. Go figure.
I love to run so much that I wake up before 5 am every weekday morning to go for a jog before work. To some, this may sound like insanity. Rest assured, my sanity is fully intact.
Since I was about 15 years old, I have tried to run first thing in the morning at least five days a week. It really helps me to feel accomplished and just good about myself. I grew up in a more urban setting than I am currently living, but never felt that my safety was at risk.
According to Beardface, I had been wrong all along. We had a discussion today about pepper spray and handheld knives for safety purposes, and I expressed that I felt I'd never be able to purposefully hurt someone. Even out of defense.
My husband was very upset with this. This is a matter of safety! he insisted. He worries about me, and would feel better if I'd carry something with me on a run.
Like I said, I've been running nearly every morning for the past several years, and it has always been just me and the road. And sometimes my i-Pod. But never anything dangerous.
What if I stab myself or spray myself??? What then will I do??