Monday, June 21, 2010

How Do You Take the Heat?

Most sane human beings eat cold delicious things in the heat. Ice cream, ice pops, salads, fruit, and other cool treats adorned your plate today if your weather was anything like it was in central Virginia.
But as I type this I'm sipping some peppermint tea. Hot peppermint tea. And what was for dinner? Grilled cheese and tomato soup.
You have to understand how Mondays work around here. I usually have to wake up early to take care of dishes and other random chores, not to mention I'm already exhausted from my long run the day before. (If you're wondering, my long run on Sunday as only 4.5 miles, but it was about 87 degrees, so I thought I was going to collapse from heat exhaustion by about mile 2.)
My husband had a long day at work (which he always does in the summer; it gives him Fridays off :-D). We both are usually out of the house for a solid 12 hours on a work day between our short commute, my 9 hour work day, his 10 hour work day, then going to the gym. But typically we greet each other with smiles and happy kisses and things.
Well this afternoon I got to the gym a bit later than normal, hoping I'd still be working out by the time Beardface got there. I finished my strength workout and was killing time on the rowing machine (yup, you like that) when Beardface slunk his way up the stairs and over to where I was. It literally looked like someone shot his childhood dog. The poor man had a look of despair on his face, as if nothing had gone right today, and nothing ever would.
I knew I had finished the last of our milk earlier, so there was no hope for the cream of chicken soup that I had in the cabinet. I made up my mind there that I'd head to the grocery store as soon as I got home. In true southern style I threw on flip-flops, jeans with paint stains, and a tank top and headed to get a gallon of milk and 2 cans of Campbell's Tomato Soup (or Beardface Cureall, as I like to call it). I got home and got to work slicing the bread and making the grilled cheese sandwiches.
When Beardface moseyed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen I saw a hint of a smile, and after talking about our days, I got him to laugh. Just remembering it makes me smile.
So whatever it is you do on your nasty hot days, I bet it's not what we do. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. It's good for your soul.