Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summertime Movingtime

I realize I have forgotten to mention this at all, but Beardface and I are moving. Well, we sort of already moved, but not officially.
I am writing you from our mattress, sitting on the floor of our current apartment with very little (read a kitchen table) of our furniture here with us. Why, you ask? Necessity, of course!
As soon as I started work with the government, I knew we would be able to afford a larger place; the apartment we currently live in is around 400 sq ft, and although it is clean and fairly modern, it just isn't enough space for two people. We tried to make it work with creative furniture configuration, but nothing really helped the fact that we simply didn't have enough space for all of our stuff. So about May I started to get the itch that I wanted to move NOW. Please keep in mind that our lease in the current apartment doesn't actually run out until August, so this was a bit risky.
We found a cute little house in the same neighborhood as my alma mater, which thrilled me. It is a much nicer neighborhood where more people own their homes and are more likely to take good care of them. Plus, the house is about 900 sq ft; it would be HUGE to us. We fell in love with it (ok, I fell in love with the kitchen and wanted it) and wanted to move in July 1st. We got it cleared with our current landlord and handed in our deposit.
It wasn't more than a few weeks later that I remembered I had to travel to Connecticut for work that week. Believe me, I was fairly confused as to why I was traveling at all for work the week before the Fourth of July, thereby cutting my holiday weekend short, but I had to do what I had to do.
My husband and I were then left with only two options: 1. He could move all of our things without me, and I'd get back and be living in a new house. or 2. We could move all of our big things and Beardface could live with the bare necessities (did you just picture Baloo?) for a few days while I was gone. Although the first option appealed to me quite a bit, I had to be the good wife and decent human being to go with option two.
So this morning, after several weeks of putting our things into boxes and recruiting a small, but efficient army of our friends and family we moved our things in. As exhausting as it was, it went by fairly quickly and without any major issues. Although it was warm, we all survived.
Now all we have to do is put everything away. I say that as if it's easy.
As our friendly volunteers were leaving, though, one of our friend informed us that he and his parents would be moving within the next month or two. And that's not just a small apartment; it's a large house! Heat, moving trucks, boxes, part two. I'm so excited.